Eating Right for your Body

Posted by on Sep 16, 2017 in Blog | 0 comments

Hi there…

Some Basics WE should all know and live by…

The subject today is an easy one, yet difficult for many as well.  We all basically know how to eat, or do we? If we did, if we knew how to eat right for our bodies, wouldn’t we all be healthy and lean. The fact is, we live in a country that has the highest obesity rate in the world. Why is that? I know we try to eat the right foods most of the time or so we think. I mean, we all at times splurge on our eating (like cakes, ice cream, candies, chips, and so forth) and that’s ok if we in general eat the right way for our bodies the majority of the time, but most of us are not.

We live in a place where we have pretty much anything and everything available to us. We have to remember though that just because it’s sold as a food doesn’t mean it’s good for us. So, with that said, how should we be eating? Well, I think for the most part when growing up we have all just been taught the old fashioned food pyramid. The food pyramid is not a detailed guide to eating right. So, I think the thing isn’t necessarily that we just overload ourselves with pure junk food. In general I think most people, even those overweight, try to eat right, but are going according to the food pyramid in general not knowing that the food pyramid isn’t a good guide to follow.

Food Pyramid

The truth is that the food pyramid is just a very general guide to food groups and servings. The food pyramid is a simple guide to eating in general. It is not a guide to healthy eating. It in short gives quick info on the different food groups and how many servings should be consumed from each group. What I find to be incorrect is that it is generalized, undetailed, and not customized to each person or their activity level and does not factor in good foods from bad foods, good carbs from bad carbs and so on. I personally do not use or go by the food pyramid. There are just too many variables in play for each individual person and also the food in the food pyramid does not go by to date info on food nutrition. The food today is not what it used to be 100 years ago; meaning, the nutrition in an apple 100 years ago is vastly different from what it is today.

If you want to know what and how much food to eat, go to an expert. There are many books out there or even online where you can get good reliable info for your body type and size. Your personal nutrition also depends on different factors such as if you are detoxing, doing intense weight training, or if you are having a cardio day or having a rest and recoup day. And if you are seriously interested in learning more, you can contact my email and I will get you the info you need. It’s hard seeing good people trying to make the right nutrition decisions for themselves and their families with the wrong info and guides….

A quick story

I was shopping at a store and I seen this obese couple and their obese child shopping and they were genuinely reading the food labels and they were trying to make the best choices, but the fact is they were still choosing the wrong foods. We happened to be in the same isle and they caught my attention. I watched them as they would pick up different things and read the food label and the husband and wife had serious looks on their faces and were quietly discussing the foods they were looking at and I could tell they were trying to make the best decision as to which product to put in their cart. I seen the care they were taking in their decisions and seen that they were genuinely concerned about trying to choose the best for them. But in all that, they were overweight..and my thoughts were that perhaps they were trying their best to learn to eat the right way and perhaps they wanted to lose weight and are trying to change their eating habits from the usual foods they ate, but from seeing what they were choosing I knew they were still on the wrong path.

Why was that? They were reading the labels and looked like they really were trying to make the best choices. Well, first I need to say is that when you read the labels on food, if you don’t know what a word is or cannot pronounce it either take out your phone and google it to get the info or just put it back. Also, look up and make a list of harmful food additive chemicals that you should always stay away from 🙂 and carry it with you.

Just very simply Google what food additives to avoid and you can get all the info you need. Make your list and keep it with you so when you’re out shopping you can read the labels and know what to stay away from.

Remember processed foods should be avoided as much as possible.  Most additives and chemicals can be harmful, they may not kill you outright, but they may be keeping you overweight and some of them have been proven to be linked to causing cancer and other diseases. When reading labels, you need to keep it simple. Simple, easy to read ingredients that you know what they are. Even better, learn to make things from scratch and try to use organic foods as much as possible. And I think we all know to stay away from certain foods on a regular basis, like chips, sweets, candies, high fat foods, sodas and sugary drinks. And to add, here’s something that most don’t know, we need to limit our intake of pastas, breads, and wheat products in general..this means the plain white stuff and the whole grains. You need to be aware of gluten, gluten literally means glue. It sticks to your intestines and is very unhealthy for your gut. I know, it’s hard..I love bread and sweet bread it’s one of my weaknesses to, but they are not good for us at all and can cause us to gain weight and keep weight on….

Healthy Intestines                                                                                       


Intestines when gluten products are consumed on regular basis


We also need to take a very close look at the food industry. Let’s face it, they are in business to sell food, as much food as they can. The more food they sell, the more money they make. It’s an ugly and scary thing, but the processed foods have additives in them. Additives that can be addictive and make us think we are more hungry than we really are. It’s all science really. The food companies and the FDA know science very well. Many of the foods are artificially flavored, colored, and just full of chemicals. They are bad for us. We need to stay away from those processed foods and we need to find out how much we really need to eat.

One more thing to touch base on is the low glycemic impact eating.  Eating low glycemic is very important for our glucose levels, but not just that, knowing the impact of low gi eating.  Diabetes is a huge problem and most times, this disease can be prevented…eating the right foods for our bodies is so important for us to have a healthy and quality life.  I know and understand that life happens and tomorrow is never promised, but we all should strive to have and live the best life that we can…if not for yourself, think about your children and grandchildren…your health in the future affects more than just you, but your close family as well.  Don’t you want to be able to be fit and healthy to do all the things you enjoy and your grandkids enjoy for as long as you can, be independent for as long as you can instead of ending up in a nursing home or having your family take care of you at an early age because you didn’t take care of your health right now… live the best life you can, life is too short to be sick with diseases, especially the ones we can prevent through eating the best we can…If you would like more detailed information on this, please contact me at my email or on Facebook (if you connect with me on Facebook, send me a  friend request along with a personal message on messenger so I know who you are and how you found me..just click on the side bar where it says Facebook and you will find me there).

There are a lot of helpful sites out there where you can get your information from. I, myself, have been researching this over many years. Especially since I have children and wanted us to eat well and be healthy. The old saying “you are what you eat” is true..if you eat organically and healthily as much as you can then you can assume you and your family will be healthy, if you eat those salty, sugary, and chemically laden products most of the time then you can assume you will more than likely be more sickly and develop those nasty diseases. And believe me, I know it costs more to eat healthy, but in reality, in the end, won’t it cost you more making all those doctor visits when you’re sick? Like they say, “prevention is the key”.

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