Your Health

                Are YOU tired of dieting and are YOU READY for a LIFESTYLE change?

                               Time To Think About What We EatI think you’ll agree that being healthy and having good health is a great asset.  If we are healthy we feel awesome and we can do anything we need to do and want to accomplish and have fun and look great and feel good about ourselves.  We all know that eating right and exercising is the way to be healthy, but so many of us do not know or are unsure of how to do it the right way.  We may start out on some fad diet and lose weight and then gain it all back (and then-some) and feel so frustrated and bad about ourselves.

There are so many different plans and diets out there and so many different foods on the market that it gets confusing.  We all need to know the right way to eat and get fit.  We need to get to know our own individual bodies better.  Each person is different, one fad diet may work for one person but may not necessarily work for another, but I will say that there is a way for everyone to find their fit.  There is a correct way to eat and it fits everyone, and there are exercises we can all do to help us on our way to a more fulfilled and healthy lifestyle.

So I ask you, how serious are you about making changes to gain your bodies freedom from excess weight and getting away from those yo-yoing fad diets? Are you ready for a lifestyle makeover, one that you can stick with and is easy to follow? It will not be easy to shake those bad cravings at first, but your body will adjust and those cravings will go away for the most part and it will be worth it!!!

We all know that we need and have to eat to live, but we have gotten away from eating the right way and we aren’t really taught how to eat properly anymore.  The way that we eat is a lifestyle. We need to take a closer look at that so we can make better decisions for ourselves and for our families that we love and care about.  Things will be much easier if we keep a diary of everything we eat and at the end of the day we need to take a look at it and ask ourselves how we did and make changes as needed.  It’s not always easy at first, but if you stick with it you will succeed and it will get easier and soon become your new lifestyle.

We all in general want the best quality of lives for us and our loved ones for as long as we can, without sickness and disease; therefore, we need to be strong in our decisions when it comes to our eating and exercise habits.  I know how hard it is at times making the right choices, especially when you have children and they want the fast food or junk food snacks and we give in at times because its fast and easily accessible and can be cheap (not just in price but quality as well). We get off work and we are tired and want to feed ourselves and families quickly and economically, so eating out or grabbing something on the way home from a fast food place seems so easy, right?  Well, what’s easy and convenient may not be what’s best. I know you’re tired, but learning to make your own food and eating more organic fresh food is the best route to go, leaving the fast food eating to an occasional thing or not at all.  And the less junk food you have and buy, the better and less junk you and your family will consume.

If I get one of those sweet tooth’s, I fix myself a big salad and add a little dressing of my choice and the craving goes away.  Most of the time, we crave things because our bodies are lacking in some type of nutrient and for me, a salad usually fixes it.  We need a lot of veggies in our daily food intake, and actually, our food consumption should be made up of mostly veggies and protein and good carbs.  The right combination of these things and the right timing is key.  Stay away from sugars and bad carbs as much as you can.  It will be difficult at first, but your body will adjust and thank you for it by shedding excess fat, and give you more energy, and clean out your gut.

Everything starts in the gut.  A clean healthy gut means you are digesting your food and eliminating the waste out of your body.  You should be eliminating 2-3 times a day, but at least once a day. Disease always starts in the gut because the waste is just sitting in there if it’s not eliminated; therefore, causing auto-intoxication.  Yes, you are poisoning your own body by not eating right and eliminating the waste.  A clean gut, A healthy body….

I know that most adults can understand that and want to make the change, but they are afraid their children will not go along with that.  I have to say that most children (including my own, which I have raised and still raising 5 children..both boys and girls) will understand if we teach them why eating the right way is the best way. From my own experience, our children want to be healthy and eat well and they do understand and they will mimic us, if we eat healthy they will want to as well and if we exercise they will want to as well. We just need to teach them and educate ourselves and follow through with it.  Make it family oriented and learn and change your lifestyles together. Help and support each other in a positive way and you will see that it will be much easier than you thought.

I will be posting blog posts in regards to healthy eating, supplementation (yes, we all need to be taking supplements and I will be explaining why and which are the best ones to take in my blog posts), and exercising.  All in all, a complete lifestyle transformationno dieting and no yo-yo’s.  It can be fun and you will feel so great and awesome about yourself, your body, and your life..!!!